Changing Jobs? Divorce? Loss? Empty Nest? Retiring?  Design a Life that Truly Aligns with Your Soul Gifts & Values


Work With Betsy

CLICK BELOW to fill out an Application for a FREE DISCOVERY SESSION with Betsy. We'll talk about the transition you're navigating and you'll get Betsy's helpful insight into best action steps to take and the ways she can support you in designing a new life that aligns with your SOUL and VALUES.



Treat yourself to a SOUL REALIGNMENT. Every soul is gifted in special and specific ways, but we're not always aware of these strengths. When we're out of alignment with our soul's truest nature, life gets more difficult and frustrating. We can end up repeating patterns that don't serve us and wonder why things don't get better. This is what it's like to be stuck on the karmic wheel of suffering, but we're not ever really stuck. You can change your karma and clear these challenging patterns, and that's what a Soul Realignment is all about.


Are you on the bridge between the old life you're used to & the new life you're longing for? Are you unsure of how to get there and need some soul guidance, objective & compassionate support as well as a clear action plan? Many of us feel isolated when we're struggling through life's big transitions. We need a sounding board, a person who can give a new perspective, as well as a companion to help us navigate the emotional ups and downs. I love using my soul gifts to help you put yours into action and create the life you want to live.  We'll work together to identify what's getting in the way of your dreams and map out a practical plan to help you get there.


Do you want your living space to feel more like an oasis? Sometimes when we purchase a home, condo or apartment, it seems perfect for us, but over time, if there has been negative energy in the home from your family members or from others who may visit, the energy can change. The same can be true of your work environment. Let me help you create a space for your home or office where you can feel nurtured, calm and productive. Don't worry about where you live or work; I am not limited by physical space and do not have to physically be on your property to clear it. Want more clarity and a feeling of tranquility? Book a property clearing, and you will be amazed at how much more peaceful things feel.


Do you feel restless or stressed out? Does your body need some rest and deep relaxation? Sometimes a reiki session can help you align body, mind, and spirit to allow your body to heal.  Give yourself the gift of time by booking a reiki session. You will want to make this a regular part of your self-care.


Do you often wonder "Is this all there is?"  I've figured out a few things in my own life including having a very vital, happy marriage, knowing what brings me joy and doing work which helps me feel productive.  My own coach, Jennifer Currie, has helped me get into alignment and develop my creativity. My biggest goal for working with you is to help you get in touch with your own magnificence, to find your joy and express it, and to use your natural brilliance to help you authentically navigate life's transitions. 

Get Your Freedom & Fulfillment FREE Mini-Course...

Get empowered from the inside out! Learn the essential tools to help you navigate transitions with greater confidence and ease. 

Kind Words...

I have had the great good fortune to work with Betsy Bass both one-on-one and in a group setting-she is equally gifted in both areas. Beyond even her deeply caring and encouraging demeanor, what I most appreciate about Betsy is how many different methodologies and tools she brings to our sessions.  And she is always adding more! No matter what I may be working towards or struggling through, she somehow intuits exactly the right approach to help me learn what I need to learn and move forward. I am always amazed at how much clear, calmer and braver I feel after even a short session with Betsy. She is the real deal-a gifted artist and poet, spirit healer, intuitive and masterful coach and guide.

Shannon Cutts,

Song-writer, author, animal communicator

At the time I had a Soul Realignment reading with Betsy, it was the most beneficial reading I had ever had. It resonated with me, and it explained things I do or things that I have experienced in my life. It was full of rich information and gave me an understanding about my life. I have been able to apply this to my life and get great results! I also had my property cleared and there has been a transformation on that as well. Betsy's delivery of the information and her caring spirit are gentle and authentic. All of this is priceless for the gift she gave to me with each reading.

Terri Blassingame, 

Owner, Essentially Angelic Health & Wellness Center

I love working with Betsy Bass. She is extraordinary and always brings her full self to the work she does.  When she is listening to me, I feel that she listens with her whole body and that there is a soul connection between us because I feel completely hear and understood.  Not only is Betsy very intuitive, but she is fearless in her coaching work because she can remain unattached and completely non-judgmental and this makes me feel loved and accepted for who I am. Betsy is generous with her time and energy, and I can tell that she strives to continue learning in order to be in service to her clients.  Her deep compassionate and loving spirit make working with Betsy a very meaningful experience.

Bonnie K. Hill, 

Executive Coach

Contact Betsy

Contact Betsy by emailing or click the button below.


In Tuscany, Italians told us that the poppies were more prolific than ever, and they were certainly plentiful!

Poetry and Poppies

Creativity is around us all the time. Do you let yourself feel inspired byart, music, poetry, theater, sports

What inspires you right now?

Fall is in the air. Leaves are dancing off the trees, andfloating to the ground below. Change is

How are you spending your time?
A Moment of Grace, Gracefulness and Graciousness
Are you Listening to Your Heart?

We were excited to be included as guests and because we have traveled in Italy before, we were

An Italian Birthday Dinner

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