Sometimes it all seems so much bigger than we are that we may be tempted to think it is useless to care, but no kindness is ever wasted including kind thoughts and compassion. I received an email yesterday from James Twyman called “Light up the World- A Million Pulsating Lights”. ( In it, he invites us to click on a link that adds our light to the world when we agree to pray for peace for only 15 minutes every month. Twyman and his group called The World Peace Prayer Society will be traveling to different areas in the world every month to conduct a synchronous meditation and time of prayer. A map of the world will show how ordinary people are joining together in the effort for world peace.
I can’t think of “world peace” without remembering how funny Sandra Bullock was as Gracie Hart in the movie “Miss Congeniality”. As all the contestants respond “world peace” over and over to the question: “What is the one most important thing our society needs?”, Gracie, the undercover cop answers first with “Harsher punishment for parole violaters”, and then when the audience remains stunned in their silence, she confidently adds “world peace”. It may have been the expected response for all the beauty contestants to the question of what our world needs, but nevertheless, it is vitally important for all of us.
We want to have happy, healthy, vital lives with love, meaningful work and positive relationships. We want time to have fun, to be creative and to express ourselves. This can all take a back seat if we are worried about our very existence. Instead of becoming ostriches and burying our heads in the sand, let’s decide that we can all be a force for good. As we know, it only takes one lighted match in a completely dark room to change the whole atmosphere. Where can you be a light for our world? Will you spend a few moments in quiet every day so you can center yourself and be less reactive towards others? Can you be kinder to the members of your family? Will you extend a helping hand to someone? Would you consider praying for our world and its leaders? Sometimes it only takes small changes to create a big impact.
Fall is in the air. Leaves are dancing off the trees, and floating to the ground below. Change is everywhere. Are you feeling excited by the buzz